Twitter / chelseycheetos

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kiwanis Haunted House is superawesomefantastic.

So what's up bloggers? I haven't ranted or typed up a storm in quite some time now.. xD

.. Actually it probably was the other day, never mind xD..

Anyways, I've just been too busy to write anything on here! :O

So, on Thursday I started doing the Kiwanis boy and girls club Haunted House! :3. I got to see all of my friends and such, because we've all been doing it for quite some time now.

The first night of the haunted house actually turned out amazing! The characters and all the rooms were so good. A lot of my groups that I was touring had at least two people chicken out x3. There were a ton of rooms! and they were all just so cool c:

They were as follows..
The Boiler Room
Children of The Corn
A Walk in The Cemetery
The Electric Chair
Children of The Corn Prt. 2
The Circus is In Town
Angel of Death
Mad Scientist
The Chair
The Witches Lair
The Torture Chamber
& The Saw Room.

I don't remember if I'm forgetting anything, but those are the rooms, and for the most part- they're in order. I think I've walked through that Haunted House about 50 times by now.

Anyways so on Thursday night alone we pulled in 620 people :3.
Yesterday the suspected number is over a thousand, but I won't be sure until tonight.

So yesterday was a fun night too!
Two of my favourite groups yesterday that I toured through the house (Maybe I forgot to mention I'm a tour guide? x3) were the following:

1. The first group I had, had four teenage boys at the front of the group. They were like "OH, we're not going to get scared, we're not. It's probably stupid down there!"
They were acting really cocky, and such. So we get down there, and I swear to god they screamed like little four year old girls the whole time and they were running everywhere. I was laughing so hard, it was so funny.

2. My second favourite group was the one that had ten people in it. The first eight people made it past the first two rooms, and then chickened out at the first chicken door. Then there was only two boys left in my group, and then they left after the third room! LOL it was the best. :3.

ANYWAAAYSSS, so tonight is the LAST AND FINAL NIGHT! So for all of you that have not gone through the Haunted House, GO! It is so much fun. It starts at 6 and goes till 9. The cost is only TWO DOLLARS! And the adress is 461 Cumberland, just right across the street from Gage park x3.

So that's all I wanted to say.
Goodbye :3.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I have to go soon but..

Ohay ! Long time no talk :3!
I don't have much time because in about tenish minutes I have to go leave to catch my bus to go back to school.
Cause right now I'm at home for lunch :3.

So Just a couple of things:

1. I've been doing nothing at all lately! It's so boring, I can't even take it.

2. Tonight will change though. The Kiwanis Haunted House begins tonight at 5 and goes all the way to ten! I'm volunteering this year, and I really can't wait :3. I've been doing it for about five years, and it's really fun. Unfortunately they didn't have one last year and it really sucked. So I;m really looking forward to the next three days x3.

3. I actually have *plans* on Friday xD. Crazy? I know. Well this is what's going to happen. Me and Quinn are going to hang out for a bit before I go to the Haunted House. At 5 I'm going to do the haunted house until ten, and *maybe* after that I'm going to go to the bowling lane thinger with a whole bunch of people and bowl and play pool and such. I'm still not sure if I'm going to be up to going, but I can give it a try x3.

I think that's really it o.o; Only three small points, but thats all that is really happening right now. I still have no idea what I'm doing for Halloween :/ Shit I forgot about that :c What are you guys doing for Halloween this year? :3

Monday, October 25, 2010


everything and everyone just suddenly got much more fucking annoying.


Lol it's funny how you think everything is about you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I never know what to put in my title. :c

Hello there!

Today has been an amazing day.

Want to know what I did?
Well of course you do, why else would you be lurking my blog? ;D

Quinn & I hung out today and decided that it was time to go look for my halloween costume, and get our hair cut.

So we went to Eastgate, and went into Wal-mart to try and find some costumes.

There's a huge sign with a huge arrow. It looked like this:

Costumes ------>

So I'm like, "alright, the costumes must be this way."


Wal-mart actually failed me.

We ended up just going to get our hair cut at Haircrafters at this point, and I must say, both of our hair cuts turned out really nice :3.

Anyways, after we got our hair cut, we went and ate at KFC for lunch. It was pretty good. C: And Quinn bought me this little cell phone charm, and it's a blooper from Mario x3. It's really cute $:

While we were walking there, I found a store beside KFC that sold costumes!
So we went in there after we ate, and there were tons and tons of costumes! x3

I must have spent like, forty minutes walking up and down an isle of costumes cause I had no idea what I wanted to be.

But I ended up finding one ! And the sales person gave me a 25% discount. So I ended saving 22.50$

So I know you're all dying to know what I'm going to be.
And I'm going to tell you.

*Drum roll*

My Halloween costume for 2010, is going to be:

Silk Spectre, who just so happens to be one of my favourite Superhero characters ever.

And for all of you that have no idea who Silk Spectre is. She is a superhero type person from Watchmen. This is what she looks like:

Yes, that is what I'm being. And yes, the costume looks exactly like that.
I'm excited to wear it $:

But really, that's all I wanted to talk to you about.
So as always, I'm Chelsey Cole.
And you've just been.. chelsey'd.. in.

Damn, it doesn't work :c


Hello all of you wonderful bloggers.
I have some wonderful things to share with you that I shall be doing today!

First off, Quinn and I are going to look around for my costume! (If my Daddy gives me some money.) I still have no idea what I want to be. A week ago I told my mom that I wanted to be Alice in Wonderland, and then she said that was "gay" :c.

Secondly, I'm getting my hair cut! x3 It shall look wonderful I hope. I'm not getting anything crazy done. Just trimmed, thinned, and layered again.

Thirdly, I'm handing in my form for the Kiwanis Haunted House! I'm actually doing it this year, they didn't have one last year, and I've been doing it since I was in grade eight. You guys should all go x3. Thanks <3.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


You may be wondering why I changed my layout?
Or you may not be wondering..
But I changed it!
and it's simple.
It's one colour.
And I like it.

It's so supposed to represent how ironic it is that my blogger is extremely simple, yet full of complicated things.

Lol, I just made that up.

Cake :3

MM. My Mother just made the most delicious, warm, vanilla cake in the whole entire planet.

So what's been happenin' up in hur?

Honestly, nothing interesting.

I stayed home sick for like the whole week, besides Monday. Today was the first day I actually ventured out of my house. It felt so good, omg.

Hung out with Quinn today, what else is new x3.
I don't mind seeing him so much though. It's nice :3.

I guess that's it?
So let me tell you about my future plans:

1. Halloween Haunt possibly this saturday with Ashley, Justine, and Nicole <3. Possibly, though.

2. Haunted house this year ! Finally, they didnt have one last year. Im so stoked.

3. Looking for what to do on Halloween.. o.o

This was an over-all short blog post. It's cause basically nothing happened this week. So yeah, later.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wear purple day.

So today being "Wear purple to commemorate the suicides caused by homophobia" day, I decided that I would like to talk about this on my blog. For several reasons, really. I've been scrolling down facebook and finding a lot of nasty comments that I really don't agree with. I know they have their own opinions, but they're are ones I think are totally stupid :)

I believe that those kids were forced to the point where they couldn't handle their lives anymore because people went out of their way to make fun of them. Cruel, isn't it? I can not believe society today. Because someone is not the same as you, you make fun of them until they can not stand it anymore, and then destroy themselves.


So I found an opinion from this person on Facebook, and for the most part, It's alright. I don't agree with it at all, but what he's saying is smart and rational. There is one part I want you to pay attention to, and I made it so obvious as to what part that is.

"Jason McNulty is not wearing purple today. why? because no matter how many people wear the same coloured shirt, it isn't gonna change what goes on. there will still be people who hate/make fun of gays, and unfortunately they still won't be fully accepted for a long time. the fact that they killed themselves was their own choice, and a selfish one, so no, I won't wear purple for a useless cause."

Excuse me?

The fact that they killed themselves was "selfish"? I don't think so.
If someone is made fun so profusely to the point where they can not handle LIVING anymore, is not a selfish act.

I believe making fun of someone for your own entertainment and putting video cameras in your gay roommates room IS a selfish act.

Anyways, they're were several more comments that also made me want to throw up. They happened to be posted on this status update:

"nice jason, tell those gays, and gay lovers!"

"Being gay is fine, but killing yourself because people make fun of you makes you a pussy. Not advocating making fun of gays, but exactly as you said,It's their choice. There is plenty of help out there, or you can suck it up. And let it toughen you up."

"It's as much of your choice to kill your self, As it is mine to think you are a pussy for doing so."

Totally disgusting. Do people really think that letting people die because of the immature and extreme amount of bullying these boys went through is alright?

If it were their friend they would be devastated.
What if that person was closet homosexual?
What if your friends are?
People really need to think about what they say before they post it on Facebook.

This just shows how cruel and insensitive humans can be.

Everyone of those boys had a right to live.

I strongly believe that the people that made fun of them, were their killers.
How would you feel if you bullied someone so much to the point that they killed themselves?
You'd feel guilty/responsible, wouldn't you?


Anyways that's all I have to say about this. I'm going to have a shower now.. Bye bloggers.


RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. (F)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


For some reason I seem to be in a better mood.

I don't really know what triggered that, but even though I'm sick, I seem to be happier.


“I do have a stylist who helps me shop, because I don’t have time to shop. But I’ll be like, I want leopard pants. And she gets me these. I’m just like this forever. Go through my high school yearbooks—I always looked like a f—ing weirdo. So you know, and I made my own purple velvet pants, living in Brentwood, which is like the Bible Belt. And no one would talk to me in middle school. My hair was purple. I got sent to the principal’s office in 8th grade. Like, 9th grade, stole my mom’s minivan, drove to Atlanta, snuck into Radiohead, front row.” -Ke$ha


Of course image uploading would be disabled for two hours when I go to post some images D:


~ Do you think your words phase me.
If you do, then you're wrong.
I know what's right & what's wrong about me.
And what you say is totally wrong.

"The time is always right to do the right thing." Martin Luther King, Jr.


So I don't believe I'm going to school today because I had two nose bleeds last night, and I threw up everything. Now I just feel extremely dizzy and light headed D:

I have a test though ><
It's health, so maybe she'll understand :3.
She seems nice enough.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Wow blogger, you piece of shit.

So cute x3

Just finished watching How to Train Your Dragon. It is the cutest movie ever x3 $;
Toothless is just the cutest dragon c:

Now I want this.
Someone buy it for me o.o;

Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell.

It is 5:02p.m bloggers.

Today was a weird day. Yes, weird.
I woke up at 6:30 D: That's a weird time to wake up at, since I normally wake up at 6:00.
And to top it all off my alarm didn't go off this morning even though I set it and it was on, and it was full blast D:

Anyways, so my Dad woke me up. And that's weird too.
He's normally gone at 5:45. So I was like, dsklglskn ! o.o;
I was so confused.

I went to school and periods 1-2 were okay.
I finally presented my Bipolar Disorder presentation in health; after two whole weeks of waiting.

Then period three I was doing work and then all of a sudden I got a nose bleed! D:
So I had to rush out of the class room. It was really embarrassing.
I don't even know why it happened ;-;

I had a test in English- A lot of writing, but I think I did pretty good :3.
So far in school I'm averaging high eighties/low nineties in all my classes.

I'm really happy.

Over-all I had a pretty good day.
How was your's bloggers? :3

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Got Jesus on my necklace. ♫

Just to fill ya'll in:

1. This weekend turned out to be pretty lame.
The party wasn't what I expected. No one went that I liked. It was just blegh D; Me and Quinn ended up leaving and staying the night somewhere else.

2. Got into a fight with this guy. He's an asshole. Whatever, don't care.

3. Even though this weekend was lame, a lot of the little things ended up being cute/fun.

4. There was a lot of fighting with my Dad and my brother D: It was kinda a lot, I couldn't take it. But it eventually died down.

5. My Daddy bought me How to Train Your Dragon! <3.>
I can't wait to watch it x3.

6. Today was special.

Friday, October 15, 2010

We're dancing like we're dumbbbb.

Hay Bloggers.

Just kinda want to rant or something. I guess it's not really a rant. I don't know ;-;

Anyways, lately I've been feeling kinda.. down D:

I feel as if, all my BR friends have just forgotten about me. Actually, I feel like everyone has just forgotten about me. I know I go to a different school, but does that mean that I can't be friends with everyone else still? :c

And I feel like, after I got into that fight with her. Everyone just didn't care about me anymore. Like it was all my fault, so everyone just listened to her side and took it. I'm not trying to start anything. It's just how I feel ;-;.

I barely ever hang out with any of my friends anymore, let alone talk, cause no one really seems to want too. Maybe I'm just over thinking everything.. I don't know.

Did everyone actually forget about me? >_<
I mean really, does anyone even care about me anymore?
No one talks to me.

Not even my Berbeuf friends.
Not even you D:

I don't know what happened.
Like, I just feel like everyone doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. Like I'm some kind of disease.

I barely ever have anyone to actually hang out with. The only people I do hang out with is like my other circle of friends.

I just feel so lonely.. all the time.
And it doesn't help that I still don't have any friends at Cathedral..
No one wants to talk to me here, either :/

Is there something wrong with me?
I'd like to know. ._.

Okay, that's enough sad stuff for one blog post.

So let's talk about what has happened in my not so wonderful life today.
I woke up at 6:20.
That's early, right?
I should have made it to school on time, right?

I ended up falling back asleep and not waking up on time to have a shower to catch my 7:25 bus. So then I caught the next one that comes at 7:55.

That already made me late. I was actually contemplating not going at all, but I did anyways. The bus was packed, and everyone got off at every stop. It doesn't help that my bus ride is already a 40 minute drive.. o.o;

So I get on the bus, and before I hit downtown, the bus went on some crazy ass detour. I ended up having to get off and walking downtown, which took like ten minutes. By now, it's like nine O.O.

I get to the king bus stop, and it comes ten minutes later. So it's like, quarter after by now I believe.

It goes to the go station, and sits there for like FIFTEEN MINUTES.
I was so late. Ohmygosh.

I ended up getting to school at 9:31, with 14 minutes of period one left to spare xD.
The secratary told me to go to that class, so I went. The teacher was taking pictures of the class when I walked in, and as soon as she saw me she was like "CHELSEY GET IN THE PICTURE 8DD"
I'm like "..okay o.o"

And yeah. That was my morning.
At least I made it to school xD..

Now I'm in period two.
Doing shit all.
We have a supply.
We're supposed to be working on an essay or something.
I did the intro and paragraph one and gave up. The essay actually makes no sense. My class is health. There is no actual one question on the essay, just a series of different questions for each paragraph. The essay is supposed to be focusing on my health. That's it. I don't know what to focus on, and I thought essays werent supposed to be in first person?

I don't get it ;-;
And I don't know if I'm supposed to focus on the negative factors influencing my health, the positive ones, or both? o.o Both kind of makes no sense, and it seems like it would be too much for a five paragraph essay. Since each paragraph have diffrent questions that can't really relate to both the negative and positive. Some of them focus on negative and some focus on positive. It's just a big jumbled mess.

My health teacher is actually so dumb.
And she makes no sense.

Anyways, I have nothing left to talk about, so yeah.
I guess that's all for now bloggers c:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"That's right I'm going to be a bad girl, I'M GOING TO STEAL THE GOAT"

So I haven't written a blog in quite some time :3.
Maybe I should fill all y'all in about what's happened in the past..week.. o.o

Let's go all the way back into the past, to last Friday. I think that's a good way to start.

So on Friday this is what went down:
- Went to school for one period :3.
- Went to BR to get yearbook. Didn't get it.
- Slept over at Quinn's house.

- Actually, I don't really remember what went down :3. So you may think I did whatever you want in your head 8D.

Sunday yoh:
- Thanksgiving with the fam.

- Thanksgiving dinner with Quinn's famjam.

Tuesday/ Wednesday:
- Went to school, blah.
- Skipped fifth on Wednesday.
- Hung out with Quinn after school on Wednesday (<3)
- That's pretty much it ya'll.

Oh, yeah, no problem for filling you all in.

So, that brings us all the way to today, Thursday October 14th, 2010.

Today was a pretty normal day, I guess :).
I went to all my classes, *round of applause*,

Oh thanks.

First period, we finished watching Fly Boys. It's actually an amazing movie. It's about the pilots in World War One, and the dog fights and such. It was kind of sad though, but that's okay :3. The war wasn't about happiness.

Second period we did this stupid fucking shit ass graph thing. Let's just say my teachers mentally retarded in the head. Oh yeah, and the presentation I was done two weeks ago? I haven't presented yet. I was the first one done, and the teacher keeps pushing back my presentation date. She's actually pissing me off, like holy shit. I just want to get it over with.

Third period was blah. We did some questions, I finished them with half an hour to spare, and I basically sat around for the last bit of class.

Fourth was lunch, I went downtown for no reason. I ate Timmys :3. Mmmmmm.

Fifth was gaaaaay. We read a short story, got our review for the test on Monday, studied a bit, and then did nothing. The kids in that class are like, stupid. I honestly heard some girl say, and I quote,"But girl's hearts are in their boobs". Wow. Really? How dumb do you have to be. I'm pretty sure my IQ dropped to about negative nine million after I heard that one.

After school I hung out with Quinn, we just chilled and such; went downtown with my brother. Got some McD's, went to ma house. Waited around till my Dad would come home. Played some Dead Rising 2. Went to McD's again and KFC. Got some shitty food. Ate it. Hugged. Cuddled. Watched tv. And then walked Quinny to da bus stop :3.

It was an overall good day :3.
I liked it a lot

In other news, some shit bullshit, yaba daba doo;
Tomorrow Quinn and I will be heading over to my dear Ashley's house to enjoy a wonderful Texas Mickey party ;). Don't worry, I won't party too hard.

LOL, just kidding; I'll party really hard.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Why do people have to argue about every goddamn thing ?
If you don't like something, keep your fucking mouth shut.
Let everyone else be happy with what they believe or like.
No one wants your fucking opinion.

Thanksgiving. ♥

MMMM All I can smell is turkey, buns, stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots, and other yummy things.
I'm so hungry.

I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for all of you bloggers, most of you are my closest friends. I love all of you, and you mean the world to me. Don't forget it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, :3 <3.


Yay, finally have Mockingjay x3.
I couldn't wait any longer $:
I can't wait to read it :D.

PS, sorry Clara x3. I said I'd buy it from you but I really couldn't wait $:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lyrics that explain my life :')

Yep, you're a hoe- a nasty one.
Yep, I'm a bitch- a classy one.

Trying to give me the fingers kinda like giving a spider the web, I’m just gonna spin it and try to use it to my advantage. I catch a fly in that bitch, you think you fly you just food. I give as much as a flying fuck as that Superman dude.

Thats all I think of you.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh boy, you stand by me. I'm forever yours, faithfully ♥

This weekend was pretty much the most amazing weekend I've had in awhile x3

On Friday I went to Quinns.
On Saturday I went to the movies with Quinn and my brother, and then went to Quinn's house.
And today I went to Quinn's... xD

We saw Let Me In at Jackson, and it was the most fucked movie I've ever seen :). There was legit no point to it at all. It was about this emo vampire chick meeting a little boy and then fucking him senseless, and then leaving the city together, even though they're like 12; basically.

Okay it really wasn't about that, you got me :$
They actually didn't fuck :)

I don't really know what else to talk about.
Oh, well I played Grand Theft Auto at Quinns, and my only mission was to find a fucking hooker. Cause that's all I really care about, and you know it yourselves that it's the only exciting thing in the game ;3.

And I pick her up in my goddamn shitty ass car.
And it's about to like, die basically.


I was so mad.
All I wanted was the hooker ;-;

Friday, October 1, 2010

lost & insecure, you found me.

I'm in History class ^___^
I just finished my assingment so I be bloggin'.
I think it turned out very well, my assingment I mean x3.
I be texting Quinn aswell :3.
Next I have Health, also have to work on a project all period there aswell ;-;

Otay anyways I go nao.
Bye <3.