Twitter / chelseycheetos

Monday, August 30, 2010

Eleven things.

A few things to talk,rant, and question about here.

1. Today was fun. I went shopping with Quinn.. to get stuff for back to school. I only bought some clothes(I'm not going back to BR, or even a catholic school) and a new bag though. I did pretty well. I bought a transformers & spider-man shirt (<3) along with new jeans and two other shirts.

2. Yesterday was Caroline's BBQ thing that I went to. It was for Hannah's going away party since she's going to college. It was fun :3. We had tacos. They were really yummy. Me, Caroline, & Quinn just kept to ourselves though. It was fun nonetheless ;D.

3. Rant: If you left your Facebook logged on at someone's house by accident. Would you trust that they wouldn't go through your stuff? And if they did, and didn't tell you for a week, would you get upset? That's like someone hacking your account. I guess it's your fault in the first place that you left it logged on without logging out, but shouldn't they have just logged off for you? Especially if it was someone you trust?

4. People are irritating me with their comments towards people. It's not needed. Drop it.

5. School's in a week or so, & I'm still not registered anywhere. I've been calling the same school for two weeks now, and they haven't answered at all (plus they're voice-mail's full). I'm going to try again tomorrow, hopefully they answer! D:

6. If I just go to BR one day before school starts will they give me my transcripts on the spot? I kind of really need them & I kind of can't wait very long for them. *hyperventilates*

7. Sometimes admitting you're wrong takes a lot, but makes you stronger in the end. It also makes your friendships stronger, and allows it grow. I'm glad I said sorry to the people that were in my life before. They deserve my apologies. Call me a hypocrite, I don't care :D.

8. Eric's kinda my new best friend since he just found the Scott Pilgrim comics online for me. NBD.

9. I want to call you, but I know you're probably sleeping.

10. I bought The Hunger Games today! It looks amazing. I can't wait to read it. I might start tonight since I'm all hyped up on energy drinks and candy. I'm not even tired anymore, the only thing that's making me want to sleep is the fact that my legs are killing me. Eff you mall.

11. Quinn gave me The outsiders and Misery to read as well. So many books to read, so little time (but not really).


Well, this kind of turned out to be more of a "top ten things you want to tell ten people anon" thing. I didn't really mean it that way, I just wanted to get things off my chest.

/end of blog post.

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