Twitter / chelseycheetos

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Find nothing but faith in nothing.

So I thought I should change up my blog you know. Make it look ..better ;3.

It doesn't look good, but I like it c:
I don't care what you say >:C

Anyways so a lot happened today.
Well if you really think about.. not a lot actually happened today.. xD.

So this morning I stayed home from school because I was having really bad pains due to girl related things :c. I woke up and it was so bad. I mean, I could barely walk. So, I get up anyways and try to get ready for school.. but it was so intense I couldn't even do that.

How could I go to school if I was like that? >_<

So I didn't go.

I didn't even call my dad and tell him that I wasn't going cause I was embarrassed to tell him the reason why, and I couldn't get ahold of my mom >_<.

Quinn told me to meet me downtown because he said he buy me painkiller stuff for it. My dad didn't have anything for pain. He doesn't have any medicine actually D;

It was so bad when I was going downtown, I was crying. That's how bad the pain was. I felt sick, I felt weak, I felt like I was going to faint. It was SO bad.
Holy crap.

I ended up getting ahold of my mom, and she understood. I told her to call my dad and explain cause I couldn't do it. So hopefully he isn't mad about my staying home :c. Since I never asked or anything.

I cleaned the whole house for my dad so hopefully that calms him down a bit D:
I don't want him to think that I was just skipping >_<
And I regret not calling him about it because he's just going to get more mad.


Other than that, spending some time with Quinn (even though I was in a lot of pain) was nice x3. It was kind of badass since it was during school. Good thing neither of us got in trouble x3.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling bettery <3 ily x3

  2. I's glad you feel better. c:
    And I know how you feel, I never have any medicine or anything at my house, it really sucks :c

  3. Lol, my cramps are always the worst on the very first day. Then it's perfect for the rest of my time. But still, even that one day SUCKS. D:

    I kinda wanna skip school to hangout downtown. Glad you're feeling better! x3

  4. Oh man, that happened to me a few times, except it actually made me puke and I felt like I was going to die D:
    Like, I literally could not get up off the floor.
    But now I take a certain medicine that makes it stop doing that... ^-^ :$
    Glad you're feeling better! (LOL I know Clara said that already, but I second that thought!)

    Wow, the longest comment I've EVER written. xD

  5. A certain medicine 8DDD Hmm i wonder what it is 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdd

    and thank you :3
